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Comdex Spring 2000 / Symposium

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Comdex Spring 2000 Occurred on April 17-18, 2000

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Program Highlights (What occurred April 17-18, 2000)


The Internet is changing everything. We are at the beginning of a dramatic shift on how companies conduct business. Everyday we can see the effects of the Internet on the way people work, learn and play. Are you and your company ready to embrace the change that’s necessary?

ECM is the way to the future. Creating, managing and evolving the use of the Internet will be a key component to success in the future.

This two-day symposium explored a number of strategic and management topics that relate to creating, managing and evolving e-commerce implementations. It gave some of the tools your company needs to maintain its edge with the Web. 

The Spring Comdex 2000 / ECM Symposium had 3 keynotes, 1 case study, 9 panels with over 30 speakers, and incorporated a speech by President Bill Clinton. 

The symposium keynote is being given by Jerry Kaplan, CEO of in a talk titled "From Shelf Space to Cyberspace". Other keynotes will be given by:                         

  • Dave Perry, President and CEO Chemdex Corporation, "The B2B Revolution"

  • Mark Walsh, CEO, Verticalnet, "Not all Vertical Markets are Created Equal"

We also had case studies by Chemdex, plus a list of e-commerce experts and luminaries that would make any attendee happy. These two days were absolutely worth every attendees time. The panels did not focus on vendors products. They focused on real issues being addressed daily by the leaders of the companies making e-commerce happen.


Who Should Attend: 

  • General Management

  •  Sales and Marketing Management and their staff

  •  Customer Support Management and their staff

  •  Content Management and their staff

  •  Information Systems Management and their staff

  •  Operations Management and their staff

  •  Business Owners

  •  E-Commerce Strategists and Practitioners


About the Symposium Chair

Mitchell Levy is President of, a high-end e-commerce consulting firm, Publisher of, a monthly e-commerce newsletter focusing on strategy, trends and related news and the founder and coordinator of the ECM Certificate Program at San Jose State University Professional Development ( is a strategy, e-marketing and training company helping start-up, medium and large organizations change their business to harvest the power of the Internet. Mr. Levy lectures, writes about and is asked to judge the e-commerce efforts of companies on a global level and has been actively involved with numerous industry consortia. e-commerce management resource from

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